Deja Lu

Issue 11.2, January 2024

This is the first time that the editors of Déjà Lu have decided to put together two issues in one year. Issues 11.1 and 11.2 correspond to 2023. The first issue collects articles originally published during 2021; and the second one, during 2020, 2021 and 2022. But the difference, or the novelty, is that issue 11.2 is a thematic one.

We expressly asked editors to share with us articles that addressed the pandemic in their respective journals. In this way, we sought to bring together in Deja Lu different views or perspectives on a same subject or problem.

The reason that prompted us to schedule an entire issue dedicated to a particular topic was clearly the disruption and consequent interruption of daily lives caused by the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide. An irruption that had and has different meanings depending on different contexts, but beyond that, it was erected as a watershed, a break in the course of time that deepened inequalities, exacerbated rivalries. While this could have been an opportunity to achieve new possibilities for humanity, we saw that on the contrary, it was more often managed with tools that laid bare the cruelty of excluding and expelling systems.

With this issue, we intend to contribute to the diversity of approaches and definitions that the coronavirus pandemic may have had, from the point of view of the anthropologies carried out in different parts of our world.

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